Sunday 7 September 2008

Federal Judge Approves VEBA Established Under Contract Between UAW, Ford

U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland in Detroit on Friday sanctioned a voluntary employees' benefactive role association be after established under a contract between the United Auto Workers and Ford Motor, Reuters reports. The VEBA, scheduled to begin in 2010, will assume responsibility for wellness benefits for about cc,000 Ford retirees delineate by the union and their dependents, company officials said.

According to Ford officials, the VEBA will imply the reassign of nigh $23 trillion in retiree health benefit liabilities for the society (Reuters, 8/29). Ford officials also said that the VEBA will increase immediate payment flow for the company by $1 billion annually.

Federal judges in July sanctioned similar VEBAs established under contracts between UAW and General Motors and the Chrysler Group (AP/Chicago Tribune, 8/29).

Reprinted with kind permission from You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for e-mail delivery at http://www.kaisernetwork.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Bloc Party bring 'Intimacy' to Reading Festival

Bloc Party played Reading Festival tonight (August 23) just days after releasing third album 'Intimacy'.

The band released the album as a download on Thursday (21), making their Main Stage appearance their first gig since it became available.

Marking the occasion, frontman Kele Okereke started the show with a short speech saying it had been a few weeks of "new members, new babies and a newfangled record" - referring to bassist Gordon Moakes, wHO is on extended fatherhood leave and his reliever Daniel Lindegren - earlier adding that "I take in one more thing to say", and broke into the opening line of recent single 'Mercury'.

They later played 'One Month Off' from the new album, before dedicating 'This Modern Love' to their absent bandmate.

"We'd like to dedicate our next song to Gordon our usual bass player," stated Okereke. "I have no doubt he'll be observance online, can buoy we hold a vainglorious high to Gordon and his modern baby Scarlet."

A series of "Gordon" chants followed from the push with the singer noting "he'll honey that".

However, ahead of 'So Here We Are', Okereke had to rein in his consultation, after the big screens picked out a daughter on someone's shoulder and the push chanted for her to take her top off.

"Come on," cautioned the vocalist, "this is still a Bloc Party gig," before explaining the band were feeling good about tonight's show later on "a raspberry shat" on their fill-in bassist, which "must be a dependable luck sign".

"I hope you're having as much play as we are, you can show that we're all friends here," the singer by and by told the crowd as he kicked off 'Flux', working the opening lines of Prince's 'I Would Die 4 U' into his own song.

With green lasers dismissal across the site, the band then seemingly cloaked up the set with a frenzied version of 'Helicopter'.

However, Bloc Party returned for a rare Reading Festival encore.

"Thank you so much, it's a little bit nervy but we thought we have to play the song that started it all off," explained Okereke who song the vocals for 'She's Hearing Voices' from the barriers at the front of the crowd.

Bloc Party played:


'Hunting For Witches'

'Song For Clay (Disappear Here)'


'Two More Years'

'One Month Off'

'This Modern Love'

'The Prayer'

'So Here We Are'

'Like Eating Glass'

'I Would Die 4 U'/ 'Flux'


'She's Hearing Voices'

NME.COM is bringing you live reportage straight from both sites of the Reading And Leeds Festivals 2008. For the latest news, blogs, pictures and video interviews head to the Reading And Leeds Festivals index now.

Plus make sure you get adjacent week's egress of NME - on newsstands countrywide from Wednesday August 27 - for the ultimate Reading And Leeds Festivals review.

For more Reading And Leeds Festivals coverage including live footage and more, visit companion official media partner

Aug 24, 2008 at Bramham Park, Leeds -

More Bloc Party tickets

More info

Monday 18 August 2008

Health Risk Behaviors And Prostate Specific Antigen Awareness Among Men In California

� - In the August 2008 issue of the Journal of Urology, Dr. Firas Ahmed and associates investigated the correlation between sure health risk of infection behaviors and awareness of the PSA test among men residing in California. They hypothesized that workforce reporting health risk behaviors would have got less cognisance of the PSA test.

The study used the 2003 CHIS, a universe based, random digit-dialing telephone survey conducted between August 2003 and February 2004. It used a sampling approach to randomly blue-ribbon telephone numbers racket from 41 geographic sample strata representative of the California population. Interviews were performed in multiple languages and the interview response rate was 60%. Men with prostate cancer were excluded, going a cogitation population of 7,297 men.

PSA awareness was determined from the question "Have you ever heard of the PSA test?" Study variables included smoking status, walk, BMI, and binge intoxicant drinking. Personal confounding variables included demographics, socioeconomic condition, access to health forethought, health status and colon cancer cover. Age, race and ethnicity were also recorded.

Almost half of the subjects were between ages 50 and 60 years. Most were patrick White, married and spoke only English, were up-to-date on colorectal screening and lived most of their lives in the US. Their reported health status was good or better and income were at least 300% of the federal poverty story. Most had health insurance and some college education.

The overall prevalence of PSA awareness in the study population was 73% and the prevalence of PSA examination was 39%. PSA sentience increased with age up to 70-years and then it reduced. PSA awareness was highest in ovalbumin men and was positively associated with education, income, health status and the number of physician visits in the last year. Statistical analysis demonstrated that smoking, physical inactivity and obesity were significantly associated with lower odds of PSA awareness. The prevalence of PSA awareness decreased from 78% of men with no risk behaviors to 71%, 68%, and 55% in men with 1, 2, and 3 or more risk behaviors, respectively.

Ahmed FS, Borrell LN, Spencer BA

Urol. 2008 Aug;180(2):658-62


Reported by Contributing Editor Christopher P. Evans, MD, FACS

UroToday - the only urology website with original content written by spheric urology key opinion leadership actively in use in clinical practice.

To access the a la mode urology news releases from UroToday, go to:

Copyright � 2008 - UroToday

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Friday 8 August 2008

'The Dark Knight' could become biggest ever grosser

Heath Ledger in a still from The Dark Knight. Photo Credit: Warner Bros

July 27, 2008 () - The Dark Knight is headed towards becoming the biggest ever grosser, having raked in $75.6 million last weekend, to bring up its 10 day domestic gross to $314 million.

The film surpassed the record established by Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) of $300 trillion in 16 days.

Warner Bros. head of statistical distribution Dan Fellman told the Associated Press that the film may take just 18 years to exceed the criminal record established by Shrek 2 (2004) of $400 million in 43 years.

The highest ever domestic grosser so far has been Titanic (1997) with $600.8 jillion, a figure that The Dark Knight could conceivably overtake.

More info

Sunday 22 June 2008


Artist: Paragon

Metal: Heavy
   Metal: Power



   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 11

The Dark Legacy   
 The Dark Legacy

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

Law Of The Blade   
 Law Of The Blade

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 11

The Final Command   
 The Final Command

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 9


Saturday 14 June 2008

The Billboard Q&A: AI Finalist Ramiele Malubay

At only 4'11", Ramiele Malubay packs a mean punch with her big voice. Born in the Middle East, almost becoming Mulan and bracing for the tour, the spunky 24 reveals more about her experience on AI.

You recently moved to Southern California, but where did you live before that?

I was born in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. My parents met there in an elevator. My mom was a nurse and my dad was an engineer. Filipinos go to Saudi Arabia for work and send money back home to their families. During the Gulf War, they sent me to the Philippines and I stayed with my grandparents for a while, and when I came back my sister had been born. When I was four we flew to Boston because my dad got a job there. Then I moved to New Jersey and didn't stay there long because I went to first grade in Orlando.

And during all of that world travel, you developed an interest in music. Do you remember when that happened?

My mom says when I was two, "We'd do karaoke and you would grab the mike from people and you wouldn't know what the heck you were saying but you would go with the melody and everything." And then in fifth grade, I did a Spice Girls thing for a talent show. I sang "Too Much" with four other girls. For someone my age, I could stay on key. When I was 12, I sang for my cousin's birthday and I was like a stick. I didn't move. I was so scared, but people said I had a pretty different voice. So my parents put me through vocal lessons and I would sing for Filipino church events, Filipino Independence Days. Everything Filipino, I was there.

Were you singing in English or Tagalog?

I would sing everything. I forgot how to speak Tagalog a long time ago and to be a good singer, you have to be able to put yourself into the song. So I learned the language again and now I'm really fluent. I think I sing better, because I can emote better, when it comes to Filipino songs.

Did you continue to sing as an adolescent?

People would sponsor famous singers from the Philippines to come [to the United States] and I got to open for some really big people like Kuh Ledesma and Martin Nievera. I'm a total back-home buff. I watch the Filipino channel all the time with my parents. I know the music over there, so when they came here, it was a really big deal for me. It's like somebody singing for Mariah Carey.

From 12 to 16, my parents made me take vocal lessons and I was missing out on life and time with friends, and I felt like I never got to do what I wanted. I felt like music was pushed upon me. At 16 I realized that God gave me a voice for a reason and I would be so dumb to not use it, so I started singing for myself. And then lessons weren't a big deal anymore because it was just helping my craft.

But I always knew I wanted to be a nurse. I would go to hospitals with my mom on "Take Your Kid to Work Day." I still want to be a nurse. I want to go back to school because I'd be really excited if I got that degree and I was singing at the same time.

When did you start watching "American Idol"?

When Kelly [Clarkson] was on it and then Jasmine [Trias] and then I skipped a couple of seasons but I knew who the winner was. And of course everybody watches the beginning rounds because it's hysterical.

I auditioned when I was 16. My parents pushed me to audition and I didn't even make it past the first cut and I was over "Idol," like, "I'm never going to audition again. I hate this!" [When I was 19] my dad said, "You should really try again." So I auditioned. I made it past the first round. At that point, I just hoped I would get to the next level and the next level and the week after this and the week after this, as far as it could take me.

Now I know they look for certain things in people and they don't cut you because they don't care. They do their jobs well. They know what "Idol" is looking for because it's been running for how long now.

Do you remember your first paying gig?

I never liked to take money from people. I was known as the little girl who would sing for free. My parents said, "Don't take their money." My vocal coach told them, "She needs to start charging." We would drive from Miami to Jacksonville or from Miami to Orlando, and that's like four hour, seven hour, eight hour drives just to sing and people would give me money and I would say, "No, it's okay. It's fine." They'd look at me like, "Why isn't she taking the money?"

While you were living in Florida, did you do any work for Disney or Universal?

Somebody offered me Mulan at Disney, but I was living in Tampa at the time, so I couldn't go back and forth, plus I was in high school. I think my singing career from where it started to where it is now, I think every little path, like every yes and no that I gave people, it was perfect to get me to where I am right now. I mean, if I took that Disney job, who knows where I would be right now?

When you auditioned the second time, what was it like to sing for Simon, Paula and Randy?

I was so scared. You drink so much water that your throat gets really dry right before you have to sing.

Now it's normal because we see them on the show all the time, but before it was like, "These people are on TV and now they're in front of me and I'm freaking the heck out right now!" It's so nerve wracking, and now I have to sing. Put me in front of like a jillion people, I'll be fine. Put me in front of two people and I'll freak out. I can't sing in front of small groups. I guess they were sold on it. Simon wasn't sold until Hollywood Week.

Paula was my favorite before obviously because we definitely see eye to eye, same height and everything. So I was excited to meet her. She was really sweet. Randy liked me. He said I was a little girl with a really big voice, and that's what I wanted them to see.

When I got voted off, Paula gave me an hour-and-a-half talk on why I got to the point I got to, maybe why I got voted off, and that I have something special and that I should keep going with it. It was really nice. And then Simon told me to cry on his shoulder. He was really sweet. He's my new favorite judge because he tells it how it is and you can't get any better if somebody's telling you you're amazing all the time. You need somebody kicking your butt so you can get better.

What was it like being voted off?

I felt like it was my turn. I didn't want to go yet, because I wanted to make it to Mariah Carey week. Growing up, she was my idol.

I wasn't going to cry. Then Kristy [Lee Cook] hugged me and said, "We're going to miss you, peanut." I'm known as the most emotional and then Brooke's second. But I bawl all the time, especially when Danny [Noriega] got voted off. I looked like somebody died, like I was at a funeral.

Since "American Idol" is telecast in the Philippines, you must be well-known there.

I really don't know. Some lady pulled me aside yesterday while I was shopping and told me, "You don't know how big you are right now back home." I said, "What are you talking about?"

Does that mean you'll pursue a career in the Philippines?

After the [summer "Idols"] tour, I want to do something here. But I'd be really dumb not to go back to the Philippines. It was always my dream when I was little to be on TV, because I would watch all the singers and stars. To be on the same stage with them, that would be a total honor. So I want to go back home and make something for myself over there, if not over here as well.

One final "Idol" question, since you'll be going on tour with the rest of the top 10. Do you really all get along well?

We're like a big family. As cliché as it is to say that, as fake as it kind of looks, we're real and we won't make decisions without asking each other first. We work as a group together and people would say, "They're probably trying to sabotage each other with songs," but we'll help each other. We're a really good bunch, an amazing top 10. I don't think anybody's going to have any problems with each other on tour. I wish the cameras would get us offstage because we're ridiculous together. We're a really messy bunch.

See Also

Monday 9 June 2008

Cameron's 8 Simple Rules to the Big Screen

'The Devil Wears Prada' producer Wendy Finerman is bringing W Bruce Cameron's book '8 Simple Rules for Marrying My Daughter' to the big screen.
Cameron's '8 Simple Rules for Marrying My Daughter' is the sequel to his bestseller-turned-hit TV series.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cameron is adapting his semi-autobiographical novel into a comedy with co-writer Cathryn Michon, author of the 'Grrl Genius Guide' book series.
The film will offer wry commentary in the same vein as his 2001 book '8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter', the basis of ABC's eponymous series starring the late John Ritter.
The plot will revolve around a divorced dad juggling a younger girlfriend and two daughters who both get engaged at the same time.
The book's subtitle, 'And Other Reasonable Advice from the Father of the Bride (Not That Anyone Is Paying Attention)' provides a clue to the central theme.

Gnarls Barkley plays MySpace secret show

Battles, Janelle Monae also on bill for 150th edition

Gnarls Barkley, Battles and newcomer Janelle Monae hit New York's Fillmore at Irving Plaza on Sunday night for MySpace's 150th "Secret Show." Admission was free on a first-come, first-served basis for MySpace users who've signed up as a "friend" of the Secret Show profile.
Despite the 90-degree heat outside, Gnarls Barkley vocalist Cee-Lo took the stage in a tuxedo shirt and tie as he belted out tracks like "Run" and a cover of the Violent Femmes' "Gone Daddy Gone."
But before long he had stripped down to a wife-beater undershirt and took a seat to sing several songs for the remainder of the set, which also featured the group's breakthrough hit "Crazy," "Smiley Faces," "Who's Gonna Save My Soul Now" and "Whatever."
Working with labels and artists, MySpace Music launched the Secret Shows franchise in January 2006 and has since hosted such acts as Rilo Kiley, Moby, Maroon5, the Killers, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Tenacious D, Lily Allen, Ice Cube, James Blunt and Neil Diamond in cities around the world.
The concept is the brainchild of MySpace Music editor Isac Walter, who wanted to attract fans to a MySpace profile where they could find out about promotional shows, with an urgent call to action.
"We have such a large social network we can pull from that we literally can go into any city and announce a show 48 hours in advance and fill an entire venue," Walter said.
The shows are not typically webcast on MySpace because of technological challenges. "If (the technology) does become available so that we can just set up a box and webcast the show for everybody to watch, I think it's pretty likely that we will, and I don't think the technology is too far off," Walter said. "But in the meantime, we're just focusing on the actual event itself to give the kids something to get excited about and remember MySpace."
The program has also developed cachet with fans. "This is more of a curated series of concerts. It holds a certain respect for the act that is playing," Walter said. "If we do a show with Ice Cube or Gnarls Barkley and we do a show with a band you may not have heard of, like Kasabian, for instance, you're more likely to want to go to this concert because you understand the bar for this series is pretty high."

Jonathan Cohen reported from New York; Ray Waddell reported from Nashville.

Nadine Coyle dating Josh Hartnett?

Girls Aloud star Nadine Coyle is rumoured to be dating Hollywood actor Josh Hartnett.
The pair have been spotted together in LA several times in the last week, according to the Daily Star.
A source told the newspaper: "The whole of Hollywood was talking about Josh and this pretty Irish girl. Not everyone knows Girls Aloud here so people were trying to work out who this stunning girl was.
"They were spotted at [temporary Oscar venue] Blanco 101 looking very much like a couple and chatting over drinks until the early hours."
Last month Derry-born star Nadine split with 'Desperate Housewives' actor Jesse Metcalfe after an on-off relationship.
She recently dismissed speculation that she was preparing to quit Girls Aloud.

Muse Plan "Big Collaboration" At Festival

Muse are planning for a "big collaboration" at their V Festival headline slot this Summer.

Speaking to the Daily Star, drummer Dom Howard says: "We are looking into a big collaboration for V but we need to see if it'll work out first."

"We're doing some shows in Europe and South America but you really have to step it up at a festival."

"Even though we have a good live reputation we put a lot of thought and planning into our shows."

V Festival is completely sold out, but will see performances from names like The Verve, The Kooks, Amy Winehouse and The Zutons.

See Also

Naughty By Nature

Naughty By Nature   
Artist: Naughty By Nature

Rap: Hip-Hop


Naughty By Nature   
 Naughty By Nature

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 14

Greatest Hits: Naughty's Nicest   
 Greatest Hits: Naughty's Nicest

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 16


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 14

Nature's Finest: Naughty by Nature's Greatest Hits   
 Nature's Finest: Naughty by Nature's Greatest Hits

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 17

19 Naughty Nine: Nature's Fury   
 19 Naughty Nine: Nature's Fury

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 16

19 Naughty III   
 19 Naughty III

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 14


Jessie believes she has 'heart of Nancy'

Irish 'I'd Do Anything' hopeful Jessie Buckley has revealed that she believes she has the 'heart of Nancy' ahead of Saturday's final.
Speaking to the BBC, Buckley, 18, said: "I'm on perfect, but I have Nancy in me. I know I'm ready because I have waited for a part like this and it just feels right."
The Kerry singer added: "I think I have rawness. I feel I have the heart of Nancy that the others don't have as much. I know it's right."
Buckley has been the bookies' favourite for much of the series but has been supplanted at the head of the market by Samantha ahead of the last show (Saturday, 6.45pm and 8pm, BBC 1), with Jodie third in the betting list.

Former stripper allowed to stay on Idol

'American Idol' producers have decided to allow contestant David Hernandez to stay in the competition despite his past as a stripper.
A number of media reports recently unveiled Hernandez's former job as an adult entertainer at a strip club, where he appeared nude and performed lap dances.
Reacting to the reports, 'American Idol' executive producer Ken Warwick told "We've had strippers on the show before."
"We're never judgmental about people who do things like that," he said.
"If it were some sort of heavy porn, then maybe we'd have to take action. But certainly not on this."
The Fox network, which broadcasts 'American Idol' in the US, declined to comment on the matter.

Black Eyed Peas - Black Eyed Peas Perform In Stricken China

The BLACK EYED PEAS will perform a private concert in China on Tuesday (03Jun08) to support the relief efforts for the victims of the recent earthquake.

The band was scheduled to perform in the country as a promotional event for beverage companies Chivas Brothers and Pernod Ricard China.

But they agreed to perform a benefit concert in the aftermath of the earthquake that has killed more than 69,000 people on 12 May (08).

The band will play for 700 people at the Shanghai Concert Hall, Shanghai.

See Also

Grammar Shocked By Cancelled Sitcom

Ex-FRAISER star KELSEY GRAMMAR is shocked by Fox's decision to drop his sitcom BACK TO YOU.

The actor cannot understand why the network dropped the programme and even took the time to meet with Fox executives Peter Liguori and Kevin Reilly on Saturday (10May08).

He says, "They have let it go. We were told all this time we were in good shape and we were coming back.

"I'm not really sure what the real reasoning is. I think they ended up with a show that was going to be a great show. It was a great show."

See Also